⭐️Sponsor a light ⭐️

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The sponsor a light at naomh Brid to remember a loved one who has passed away has so far been successful . With limited places left we are encouraging everyone to get involved and help us light up Naomh Bríd while remembering a loved one,

The loved ones names will be displayed on a plaque at the grounds and also remberance bench over by the scoreboard area where QR code again will have names and a photograph of the person who has been remembered.

For a €50 euro donation you will be sponsoring a light and we will remember a loved one in a special way at our club. Please REFERENCE your loved ones name when sending your donation (Terms available on REQUEST)

We’d like to give you the opportunity to remember a loved one while helping us light up our walking track.

Our walking track will allow all in our community to migrate from public roads to a safer environment . Your remembrance light is a lasting way to remember a loved one and have their light shine upon you

PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/naomhbridsenior?country.x=HU&locale.x=en_US

Revolut: https://revolut.me/annemajpjv

Please support our efforts by sharing with your friends and family

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