BSJ Chairman's address AGM 8th December 2024

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BSJ Chairmans address 8th December 2024.


I know Sunday is not the ideal date and is not a traditional date, but I made the decision, based on work that the Club Executive needed to finish out the year, not wishing to carry it into 2025, as we large body of work to get started. Finally trying to find the perfect Friday with Elections\ Toy Shows\Xmas parties etc. I would imagine it will revert to earlier date in 2025 .

First of all I would like to thank Anthony O Connor for his advice and assistance in my transition to the Chair of Ballinteer St Johns to see out his remaining term.

 But after March, the warm welcome and support that I received from so many of the previous chairs and other officer holders over the years, I can only say it is very much personally appreciative and humbling.


No more than on the playing pitch, the club is so lucky to have such excellent, talented club Executive. I personally was delighted that Peadar O Shea, agreed to come on board as vice Chair, he brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to steer the club on safe ground. 

My working belief on the executive is summed up best:

·       Perfection is often the enemy of actions (stolen from Peadar) . Moving forward with imperfections often beats waiting for a flawless solution.

Many of the Club executive I knew and others I did not, but I have to say as a team there was excellent work ethic in our short period. The energy, commitment but overall the love for their, yours and my Club was self-evident and desire to improve Ballinteer St Johns on and off the pitch.

In saying that I know few Club executive  members were surprised at when we held meetings Saturday\Sunday Mornings, Friday evenings. But we achieved a lot in short space of time.

At the recent Strategic Review night , where we presented the data garnered  to prepare for develop the Strategic Review.  Eoin Fitzpatrick, raised the question where is our sporting Ambition, referenced Cuala and the effect positive affect within the community. 

Eoin is quite correct to raise the question. But the strategic review undertaken under the direction of the Club Executive, chaired by Gerry Quinn, Mairead Scanlon , Enda Nolan, Muireann O Keefe, Shauna Garvin and Peadar O Shea. Assisted by Pat Coleman and Cliodhna Purdue. We are only at the Data gathering stage. We will now be focusing on Key Focus Areas, we need club members to come forward to discuss  and develop overall strategic plan that will incorporate Sporting success. 

But a recent report by GAA on Economic and Social Value of GAA Games highlights the uniqueness of the  GAA, that it promotes not only Sport Objectives but Social and Cultural Objectives.

As we go through the Strategic Review process I believe we will able to address the sporting, social and cultural objectives. But how we organise and are structured as a club  going forward will need serious consideration if we are to achieve our objectives and ambitions. We will need experienced and wise people to come forward during the next stage of the Key Focus area.

Key to how we organise is the Volunteers in the club, We awarded Mary Devereux Clubperson of the Year, it’s the hidden work that is the gel that unites us all. I remember last year the moving of the portable lights down to Loreto for mid week training. Ipswich Town may have Fermanagh`s  Kieran McKenna, BBC have Fermanagh`s  Adrian Dunbar, but our own Fermanagh man Tom McCabe rode in with his trailer ensured the safe passage of the lights  and ensured winter  grass training in Loreto. Those few volunteer hours make a difference. 


Also the unseen work done by Brian Sutton, especially when Briam and Seamus Lane brought light into the Gym recently.  Brian`s work in relation to the concerts is invaluable to the club and we owe you a great depth of gratitude.

We talk about the Nursery and that its location is window for young children to join our great club.  It was great to see JJ and many other who have given selfless service continuing  and all  down making the Aras an Og looking good and fit for purpose, many of those that were down doing the work were involved in the construction of the Aras in 1994. 

It is important that we have looking presentable and usage, will endeavour to keep going in 2025.

We must maximise the usage of all our facilities, especially our playing facilities, as we come under increased pressure from DLR with there new booking system. No more so than the back pitch in Marlay. 

Equally there is cohort of volunteers who line the pitches, marshalled by the one and only Darren Hedden. What can I say about Darren, but he puts a smile on your face and always been positive, we are lucky to have him. But he assisted by so many, that I won`t list them in fear that I will leave some one out.

As club we do tournaments very well from my observations and also listening to visitors, from having piper for the parade and to the total organisation. Ther three I attended this year, we can be so proud of as a club and especially to the Parents, mentors and players. The Norry Reynolds, Adriu O Heithir and Bernie Scott .

The growth of the club has also seen children decked out in the club colours. I know the trojan work Barbara , Sandra, Rosin and Anne do in the shop and some of the innovative solutions that they are looking to implement, we will support them as well as I a hope all club members over the Christmas.








GAA report on Economic and Social Value of GAA, indicated that on average volunteers provided 4.5 hours of their time. Obviously some provide more and some less, each contribution makes a difference. I know the report tried to monetise the value. But I look at it another way and I don`t want to get all deep and fluffy:

Voluteering within a club should be defined and measured in terms of experiences of pleasure and purpose over time. In what we do and who we spend time with. I challenge anyone that has volunteered here, yes there has being period of frustration but equally of warmth friendships, feeling of purpose and more importantly showing next generation what community and effort brings. For that in itself I believe it trumps any professional sport or simply working and going home to watch soap or sports on TV




Adult games between all 4 codes  it was mixed bag for the year, from my observations . I first have to commend Colm O Donnell and the Inters winning the Junior A championship Liam O Bhaghaille on winning the  Ladies minor football  Championship .  Junior B under the Gillick Brothers Tony and Johnny in their promotion.

Senior Footballers to me had good season 2nd on 1st Division, Championship status maintained, there was belief that  could have gone further in the championship. I note of the 16 teams in Division 1 only 8 have won Dublin Championship, that includes Cuala. 

Club Executive believe in Kevin Murphy at the helm, I think we have passionate, intelligent coach who will steer our seniors through the new challenges of the new rules. 

I believe our leading Referee Seamus Farrell can be our key asset in this regards, it is still disappointing that we have not added number referees, without them can`t have games.

But, I do have open question? Cuala with no owned facilities winning Dublin , Leinster and All Ireland club Championships, compare it with it Naomh Mearnog great facilities in terms of Clubhouse, Pitches, but are on average well below most of our senior teams through the 4 codes. What Model works? 

Adult Hurling section had challenging year, . I must complement Paraic O Heithir , Breenn McGeary and Rory Merriman on being player \managers with the 2nd  Adult team, struggled early in the season but finished strongly. We met with Ken Sheehan and the Adult Hurling committee, I believe they have excellent plan and personnel in place which will be fruitful 2025.

I know Club Sectary report covers the great work done at underage, I want to note two underage teams.

Especially u.16 winning Div 2 in Hurling and Football, Also notable Tony Dillon \Will Lawless maintaining Div 1 status.  Quick Mention to Eoin Walsh and Sean Lane, working really hard , providing lot of challenge games against quality teams down the country, great foresight and I know will pay dividends.

Ladies Football again had good year in terms of progress and looks like will  be playing Division 1 league next year, due to the expansion of the league. I do hope Orlagh Nolan, makes a speedy recovery. But, the flow of players from a successful minor teams and team below, will mean challenges to keep players playing by providing adult teams, for that we need volunteers.

Camogie had challenging year, losing up to 8\9 players off there successful senior 2 championship winning team. Bolstered by strong 2nd team, they maintained there Div 1 status and but drop back to Div 2 Championship in 2025. The 2nd team under the colourful (really its just red\white) Colm Callaghan and Neil Leslie, were unlucky to be beaten in the semi final of the championship. I must mention the Minor Camogie team under the tutelage of Dermot Nutty, not only the guardian of our finances but also master of the  hurl.  They were beaten by Naomh Barrog team that went on to win the Div 2 Minor Championship.

During the autumn , Trish McGrath who served on the Club Executive and is now stepping way after many years of service, which I wish to thank you for, brough to our attention the number of underage female players playing multiple games and playing up in  adult games. This combined with the number of knee injuries that players who play football and camogie within the club is at unprecedent level. In addition the planned increase in  league games approved by Dublin LGFA.

The Club Executive felt a need to act on player welfare, largely due to lack co- operation between LGFA and Camogie in relation to fixtures unlike how the Dublin County Board operate.

I have asked Anthony O Connor, Derbhla Nolan, Belen Swords and Alanah Doran:  Derbhla, Belen and Alanah  are  all players, both Belen and Derbhla know demands on dual players. But importantly, all of them are coming from medical or Science background. They will produce recommendations that I will hope will advise on best practice in the absence of cooperation between the governing bodies both at county and national. This will ensure that we can advise parent and players of best practice.

Player Welfare is essential not just Children but Adults too. We are fortunate that we have excellent Child Welfare Officer in Cliondhra Purdue. Its essential that all mentors undertake all child welfare courses, ensured that you also take any refresher courses.

Just finally on playing front, I know that Enda has covered much of the success. We cannot sit on our laurels we need to do more work in the schools and Nursery.  Competition for young sporting minds is grown and well organised, between soccer, rugby , hockey, basketball. The other sporting bodies are competing with us for talent both in the primary schools and at weekends, camps.

Next year Niamh Minogue Jones and Mick Wren, both are respective  voices for CCC1 &2 for girls and boys on the executive, will be reaching out for more volunteers to  support, please give the few hours. They will be assisted by Frankie Ward, who will assist as coaching officer role, especially in football and the new rules.

Speaking of Niamh, I can`t go by without mentioning the Gaelic Mothers and Others, Between Niamh and Muireann on the Executive we get regular updates on games, training trip to New York, I can only say one thing Barry Judge your sainthood is secured!! Now there is social Camogie too, well done on all who help  instigate that .

I will also mention the Old Scars, its fair to say none of them are AL Pacino look alikes!!

But to all Mentors, managers , people who puts nets and flags , parents , referees thank you for your contribution.



I like to thank Cian Duffy on securing another year down in Good Sheperd and also Enda Nolan on securing or the return of De La Salle School for training. Its welcome addition.

During the year Dermot Nuttty, Darren Chambers assisted in the negotiations with Bective Rangers Rugby Club in securing Glenamuck, its will be welcome addition. Once the adjacent road works are completed, we can possible open it up to the wider membership. 

To get Glenamuck in order, as it had not be used for 5 years, Mairead Scanlon, Michael Nyland , Sinead Clare and Enda Nolan undertook this project and I would like to thank you.

To Peadar, Mairead, Sarah and Enda is securing the support of BCS and also getting appeal of grant over the line.

The coffee dock is welcome addition to club, its great to see most of the  senior teams training on Saturday morning and hanging around and chatting\mingling . The coffee dock works because of the unseen work of Sarah Davies, Anne Keane and Dermot Nutty. Thank Ciaran McCabe and Shane McCann ensuring the opening of the coffee dock in the spring.

Clubhouse there was some excellent work carried out by the Clubhouse committee chaired by Sarah Davies in 2023\24, I commend Brian Sutton and Sheamus lane on bring lighting back to the gym.

Clubhouse Bar\Function room. As Dermot and the finance team have outlined the difficulties that Bar is going through. But it must be put into context, the lincenced trade is struggling and our hope is that we are the bottom of the downward cycle, but our target is to minmise lost build to breakeven. If we are still showing significant deficit, we must as a club make hard decisions. We have new bar committee as of September, Anthony Walsh, Fiona Dorgan, Peter O Curry, Ciaran McCabe and PJ Dolan. Hope to improve operations and embark promotion of our facilities. But with club membership in excess of 3000 members and over 150 teams, we showed have ability to trade at least at breakeven. Encourage everyone to show support to your club social facilities. If you have thoughts or idea, please let  PJ Dolan know.


                                                       FUTURE FACILITIES

Carrying on work started by the previous Club Executive, who we develop child friendly skills wall in conjunction with our primary schools. We have targeted 3 , Divine Word, Scoil Naithi and Our Ladys. This will hopefully be completed over 3 year period. DLR will be developing a skills wall at the rear of Marlay Park, this will be open to all to book time slot. I believe in conjunction with the our GPO, teachers that we will develop generation that will have excellent hand\eye coordination between football & Hurling\Camogie. 

The club Executive asked some experienced members to explore the possibility of adding to our playing facilities, I like to thank Shane Casserly taking up that challenge, assisted by Alan Garvin,Donal Kelleher and Cian Duffy. As you would agree with me all experienced professional at the top of their game. 

In addition, Peadar O Shea, Mairead Scanlon, Sarah Davies and Enda Nolan, ensured that we had cooperation with BCS to ensure that we received the partial funding to resurface the AWP.

Before we commit to any large infrastructure spend or long-term commitment, we will hold EGM to allow the members decide on future direction. 

We are situated in the most expensive part of Ireland for land and with a lot of competing sporting organisations and commercial organisations. 

There was phrase during the 2nd World war, “Loose lips loses ship”, I like to add a  modern version, “loose lips loses pitches”

As mentioned before all large financial and contractual commitments will be brought before for EGM for the members to decide on what course the club wish to  travel. At this stage we are so early stage in either negotiations or determining next steps.


Brings me to one area that we need to address both Sponsorship and Fundraising. We need to be better in our relationship with sponsors. Too often we take and neglect the sponsors, albeit some sponsors want to quietly contribute. To Breda Cahill of Centra, I want to say yes we will do better in 2025, not just Centra but to all our sponsors.

Fundraising we need to start fundraising in earnest and this is not about for what? We need to get the culture of fundraising back into this club. Corporate Fundraising in the past delivered our current asset base. Early in January 2025, the Club Executive  will be establishing Fundraising committee. We need participants, with experience and knowledge. If we do nothing else this year but establish this team, it will be serious 1st step.

We are in the 10th year of the Concerts, this has proved vital income stream, the preparation and organisation is a testament of our “can do attitude”. I particularly want o thank Darren Chambers and he hope he will pass on our appreciation to the whole team involved. Equally, I like to thank Brian Sutton who originally opened the door for us to be involved in the concerts and has opened up a 2nd front of revenue generation.  Brian, I know you can`t be here tonight, but thank you.


I would like to thank Fergal Duffy, who was our player representative, who has gone travelling across the globe and we look forward to your return for the championship. Like to thank Trish McGrath who served not only on this Executive, but for a number of years. She has being immense assistance to Johnny Gillick and continues to play important volunteering role within the club.

Thank you to Lorna Doran, who is stepping down as Camogie Secretary, I know its really a time out and we will soon see you back in the wider club in some role.

Sean Lane is stepping down as Leas Runai and being replaced by Sarah Davies. Sean contribution to the Club Executive, Club and player development  has being invaluable over the years\decades. Sean is back assisting Eoin Walsh`s u.14, having recently brought through a highly talented crop of hurlers. You will also see Sean out practicing with his Emma, who captained the 2nd Camogie team to semi – Final. This combined with Saturday morning radio slot on Sunshine Radio. When I see and talk to Sean, I am reminded of the saying   “ add life to years and not years to life”.  Thank you Sean.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Michael Woulfe for his many years of service as registrar and stayed on to assist incoming registrars. On another note I have to say it was great have Joe Wolf back playing again, excellent player.

Also want to thank Frankie Ward and Ronan Minogue, we were mentors for the last three years with the Junior A`s.  We unfortunate not to bring home a championship, but I enjoyed and felt honoured to work with two such talented coaches.

Just one note Corporate GAA and All Ireland Tickets, with the scheduling of All Ireland finals, back to back with little no gap.  E – Tickets have come the way forward. We did not know how lucky we were to have Eddie Byrne managing  All Ireland tickets. He did excellent job for this club. But with etickets come epayments, so we are probably going to have to look at alternative model going forward. I am hoping Eddie\Peadar O Shea\ and possible one or two more sit down and work through best process ensures distribution but equally payment. 



  I know unfortunately, I am  going to disappoint Fiona O Fiaich our Culture officer. I must commend Fiona and Sean Lane in their activities to promote the Irish Language and our Culture within the Club this year. But, my Irish language skills are weak and my experience in learning Irish Language, when I growing up was not as uplifting as others, it was more discouraging . I will not try butcher a few words for the sake of correctness or trying to be somebody I am definitely  not.

I wish to congratulate Michael Hand and I quote from the Dublin County Board Secretary`s annual report: huge debt of gratitude is owed by Dublin GAA to the Board and development committee of the Spawell project. I know Michael was very instrumental in getting the project over the initial planning hurdle. This will be a major opportunity for facilities on this side of the M50.

Finally, tomorrow night I hope you join me and Ballinteer St Johns Club Executive and Members wishing  best of Luck to Elaine Dolan as she is nominated for vice chair of Dublin County Board, we wish ever success in the Election at tomorrows Dublin County Board`s  AGM.




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