Secretarys Report BSJ AGM 2024

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 Ballinteer St Johns GAA Club AGM 8th December 2024


Emergency Procedures before AGM Starts

The following business shall be transacted at the Annual General Meeting:

(a) Adoption of Standing Orders.

(b) Minutes of previous Annual General Meeting.

(c) Consideration of the Annual Report submitted by the Secretary.

(d) Consideration of the Financial Statements including the Report of the Accountant(s) or Auditor(s).

(e) The Chairperson’s Address.

(f) Election of Officers and Members of the Executive Committee.

(g) Notices of Motion.

(h) Any Other Business







(a)  Adoption of Standing Orders.

•       The proposer of a motion or an amendment thereof may speak for 3 minutes
•       A member speaking on a motion or an amendment may not exceed 3 minutes
•       The proposer of a motion or an amendment may speak for a second time for 5 minutes, before a vote is taken. No other member may speak a second time.
•       The Chairman decides on when to call on a proposer to reply, after which a vote must be taken
•       A member may, with the consent of the Chairman, move that a motion be now put, after which, when the proposer has spoken, a vote must be taken

(b) Minutes of previous Annual General Meeting. 

Proposer Chairman and seconded by Treasurer

Ba mhaith liom fáilte a chur romhaibh go léir chuig an gcruinniú ginearálta bliantúil seo. 
Is mór an onóir dom tuarascáil Rúnaí mo chlub a chur i láthair. 
Ba mhaith liom buíochas a ghabháil leis na hOifigigh Feidhmiúcháin as a gcúnamh agus leis na meantóirí go léir a chabhraigh leis an tuarascáil seo a chruthú.

 (c) Consideration of the Annual Report submitted by the Secretary. 

Secretary Report 2024

•       Mr Chairman 2024 has been a very positive year on and off the pitch, With nearly four thousand members we have 165 teams
•        in four codes and have added the G4MO’s, All Scars Hurling and BSJ Social Camogie teams to our ranks seeing the average 
participation age in the club rise. With the rise in participation comes the demand for pitches and training facilities. 
•       Pitch 2 in Marlay is a treasured asset which we must protect, it will be out of action in May 2025 as DLRCC plan aeration 
maintenance of the pitch.
•       Our pitch committee are working well keeping the pitches lined and repaired, they do their best to facilitate every team’s
 requests, I’d ask for all mentors to be patient when dealing with our volunteers.
•       We have a pitch lining rota which sees volunteers from each group line their pitch once a month on rotation, if you’re a 
mentor please ensure you lend a hand. 
•       Our shop continues to trade successfully thanks to Barbara, Sinead, Roisin and Sandra.  
The bar is open every night with Monday night bingo and Thursday night lotto being popular and necessary money earners for
 the club. The Executive met with Maurice O’ Connell & Eamonn Naughton in October both gave a very interesting insight into 
how fund raising is progressing and how the club can do more to help with supporting The Lotto and Bingo, both Eamonn 
and Maurice’s teams deserve special recognition for the work they do, the club couldn’t function without these volunteers, 
I request that you all support the lotto as without it we cannot function. 
•       Anthony O’Connor’s vision was to create a meeting room in Áras Na nÓg, this was completed in September with the 
executive holding its first meeting on 15th October. Credit must go to McCabe Construction for completing the project and 
JJ Duffy as Foreman assisted by Noel Corcoran, Kieran Brennan, Gerry O’Donnell, Brian Goggins and Gerry Watchhorn as 
volunteers upgrading the exterior of the Áras, it’s a great sight to see lights on in the Áras in mid-winter as meetings are
 held regularly now.
•       The Marlay Concerts were very well supported by club members this year, volunteers also scanned tickets at several venues around the country bringing in much needed funds to help run the club. 
•       I thank all volunteers who gave their time to help direct concert goers in and out of our parish.
•       The one message I must impress upon all is the need for volunteers throughout the club and at all levels and on all committees. 
•       We can provide training where necessary, but we need people to volunteer throughout the club.
•       We need referees, the referee situation is at crisis level in the county and clubs have been asked to provide one referee for every two teams. Training now takes place on the southside of Dublin, so anyone wishing to pick up a whistle will be supported by the club.
•       As 2024 draws to a close I want to thank all members for putting up with my constant demands, emails and requests for 
action, if you lifted a hand to help out this year, I commend you, without you this club would not function. 
•       I’d like to thank a special bunch of lads and ladies the pitch lining crew, especially Darren Hedden, Tony Scanlon, 
Kieran Duffy, Stephen Ryan, Dermot Stephenson, Barry Farrelly, Derek Oman, Gary Ronagan, Richard McGrath, 
Michael Nyland, Pat Kennedy, Derek Pouch, Diarmaid Murray, Fran Carroll, Donal Minnock. If I’ve left you out I apologise.
•       Without you the pitches don’t get lined or repaired, and training will be given for the new pitch layouts with the new rules 
being implemented next year.
Thanks to all of my colleagues on the Club Executive, in particular those members of the Executive that are stepping away 
this year.
•       Rose Murphy, Peter Byrne and Brian Sutton deserve great credit for running the clubhouse. 
 Last Years Motions

Mr Chairman the club membership voted to implement several motions at last year’s AGM.

One of the motions was the creation of a Club Finance Committee, 

The membership of the Finance Committee and its Terms of Reference were agreed by the outgoing Executive. 

The primary functions of the Finance Committee are:

1.       To establish a purchase order process for club expenditure including obtaining quotes from 3 different sources where  
applicable to  ensure the club gets value for money.
2. To maintain the club books and records for the external accountant.

3. To assist with budgeting processes and sit on various club committees to provide professional guidance to said committees.

4. To assist the club Chairperson in any other way they see fit.

5. To oversee the Team Finance funds on behalf of teams who fundraise.

The finance committee is now known by most people involved in the club at committee and mentor levels. 

2024 has seen huge buy in from club members as to its function and the purchase order process now runs smoothly.

The second motion was the addition of full members to serve on the executive in accordance with the club
 constitution rule 7.2, 
The executive welcomed Ciaran Mc Cabe and Frank Ward as members this now brings the executive to nineteen members. 

Last Years Recommendations

Mr. Chairman, the Executive received several recommendations one of which was;
•       Can the club take supplementary control of the grass cutting in Marlay, Loreto & Broadford and remove the grass cuttings 
before matches.
•       Mr. Chairman this was considered worthwhile recommendation; we first spoke to the DLRCC park crew informing them 
BSJGAA were not after their jobs but would take the grass cuttings off the pitches as we had several ACL injuries reported and were keen to remove and grass cuttings that may cause tripping or slipping to our players.  The club purchased a refurbished ride on mower for use in Marlay Park where we cut the grass as close to match time as possible without interfering with
•       DLRCC’s weekly grass cutting, we also reached out to our colleagues in Leicester Celtic based in Loreto Park, we gave them access to the Loreto Pitch for their mini world cups in exchange for supplemental grass cutting in Loreto this will continue next year.
•       Mr Chairman on your recommendation and with your guidance the club undertook to develop a new Strategic Plan to take us to our 50th anniversary.       

 A Strategic Committee has been formed 
•       A strategic review process for the Club commenced during the year. The purpose of the review is to plan the medium/long 
term direction for the Club. 
•       The review is titled 'Forward to 50' and reflecting that the Club will reach its fiftieth anniversary in 2032. 
•       A committee was appointed consisting of Gerry Quinn (Chair), Muireann O'Keeffe, Mairead Scanlon, Conor Dolan, Peadar O'Shea, Shauna Garvin, Enda Nolan, Ben Hanlon 
•       The committee adopted the GAA Club Planning Programme in undertaking the work and has undertaken significant analysis
•       including local area demographics, local schools' participation, player retention rates and infrastructure inventory. This information was presented to a successful 'Have your Say' club membership evening held on  14 November as was the results 
of the Have your Say survey conducted in late October. 
•        The feedback received from members will be used to inform the next stage of the process where key focus areas will be worked on leading to the development of the strategy. The strategy will then be communicated to members hopefully by mid 2025.
•        Particular thanks to all those who completed the survey and also those who attended on the night. Forward to 50! 

The Executive received a third recommendation

Can a fund be set up to fund the upgrade of clubhouse equipment and facilities. 
•       Mr. Chairman over the last year a team of club members have come together to help with the upkeep and maintenance of the clubhouse and other club facilities.
•       The works that have been carried out include:
–      General maintenance of bar and function room
–      Áras na nÓg changing room converted to a meeting room 
–      Áras na nÓg external painting and maintenance.
–      Maintenance work carried out at the new Glenamuck training facility in preparation for teams training there.
–      Works completed throughout the clubhouse and grounds 
–      Service connections for the coffee pod. 
–      Painting of the changing rooms, toilets, corridors and fire exit stairs.
–      Installation of a state-of-the-art CCTV system in the clubhouse.
–      New lights in the clubhouse carpark & Gymnasium
–      A pedestrian friendly access to Marlay Park with boot cleaning facility.
–      Repair to goalmouths in Loreto 
–      Removal of weather damaged goalposts from the Mini all-weather pitch.
–      Special thanks goes to Aidan Burke, Sarah Davis, Brian Sutton, Shamy Lane, Ciaran Mc Cabe, Darren Hedden and Keogan Electrical. 


Coffee Dock

•       Whilst mentioning the maintenance and upgrade of club facilities, the May Bank Holiday saw the opening of a bespoke coffee pod at the club which has quickly become a vibrant community success. Situated conveniently on club grounds, the pod offers high-quality McCabes coffee, a selection of snacks, including fresh baked goods from another local business, Yummilicious, 
•       and a welcoming space for members and visitors alike. 
•       This new addition has enhanced the match-day experience, giving supporters a spot to gather, socialize, and enjoy refreshments. Not only does the pod serve as a hub for community connection, but it also creates a new revenue stream, supporting our activities and contributing to future developments.
•       Sincere thanks to Keogan Electrical and McCabe Construction & Shane McCann for organising power and water connections.
•       Danny at Milanos Coffee for providing and maintaining the machines. A huge thank you to the great team running our coffee pod, Anne Keane, Dermot Nutty and Sarah Davis Your hard work and dedication have made it a warm and welcoming spot for everyone!


Sports Grants 2024 - Ballinteer St Johns applied for a number of sports grants and were successful in two applications

•       A Joint application with DLR to build a hurling wall in Marlay Park.  This secured just short of €70,000. 
•       The facility will be floodlit, and it will be located at the College Road entrance to the park.
•       A Joint application with Ballinteer Community School was submitted for a grant for the refurbishment of the All-Weather Pitch.  
•       This secured €124,000 on appeal, we will be working closely with the BCS board of management going forward.
•       An application for the provision and installation of two electric car chargers at the clubhouse secured a grant of 
approximately €9,000.  


•       In June 2024, Ballinteer St Johns secured a multi-year lease on a grass training facility on the Glenamuck Road, working with Bective Rangers RFC.  In September, this was operational after investment on the grass, lighting and clubhouse.  
•       It has been trialled by adult players over the past few months, and usage will be extended in 2025. 
•       I would like to thank Mairead Scanlon, Sinead Clair, Michael Nyland, Enda Nolan and Dermot Nutty for managing this project.
•       Thanks also goes to Keogan Electrical for the floodlights, SAP for grass cutting and hedge management, GMC & BAM for the civils work they put into this project.
•       Ballinteer St Johns are engaging with three local primary schools to develop skills walls.
•       The intention is to develop three skill walls over the next three years which will complement the larger skills wall training 
facility in Marlay Park.   
•       As proposals and planning permissions are worked and finalised, more details will be shared. 

Mr. Chairman in 2024, great strides were made both on and off the Pitch, I’d like to mention Pitches and Training 
Facilities, With the addition of Glenamuck, we have added additional capacity to facilitate teams training 
across both winter and summer. In addition, we look forward to furthering the relationship with St Columba’s College in 
2025. Their grass pitches provided an excellent overflow for late spring and summer training, and with the upgrade to 
their AWP (including the installation of floodlights), we see great opportunities for additional winter training space come 
October 2025.
The net room key pad has removed many headaches, and the lights on both the AWP, JAWP and even Glenamuck are now 
App controlled, helping us to not only streamline costs by allowing us to programme them and avoid the need for late night trips
However, with the implementation of a Pitch booking and monitoring system by DLR (akin to the one we use) it is going to 
critical that we protect our assets. The theme for 2025 will very much be one of “Use it, or we will lose it” so all teams will 
need to support the cause and use all pitches. I ask everyone to listen to Darren Hedden and Tony Scanlon if your group is 
to go to pitch 6 in Marlay or the upper pitch in Broadford please do so.

Health Screening

The executive approved a health screening project for young adults which was based on a recommendation from Derbhla 
Nolan and Rachel Dolan. A team was put together comprising Derbhla and Rachel along with Sean Lane (Chairman) , Louise Hayes and Peadar O Shea. The team liaised with the Dillon Foundation and set a date in the Diary to complete the screening.  The team chose the minor grade on research done by both Derbhla and Rachel for boys and girls. The foundation was set up after the Sudden Death of the famous Tipperary club player. The foundation came to the club on the day with their medical team and ran tests for all of our participants from 9.00 till 5.30. The club sponsored the initiative as part of our well being policy. We as a club received excellent feedback for the initiative from both the participants and their parents. 
We would strongly recommend that a well being initiative be continued at our minor level across all 4 codes annually.
Club Communications
2024 was another busy year for club communication and promotional activities across several areas where the team look to support communication requests across all the teams along with any other day to day requests related to the club operation 

in addition to specific projects requested by committees and the executive. In 2024 there was also a transition from Trish McGrath who did a great job in the PRO role to the new PRO John Gillick. Special thanks to Trish for all her support on the transition and also for her ongoing support in the role. The team was joined by club player Josh Bell Curran who is a valuable addition to the team and uses his commercial experience in the role. We are actively looking to expand the team and have another member coming onboard soon. The key focus in 2024 was the transition and supporting club day to day requests around team activity along with supporting key club projects across areas such as fundraising, concerts club shop, coffee pod and strategic planning and related communications. We have more demand for video related content and have just invested

 in new audio equipment to support club demand and higher quality content and outputs. We look forward to 2025, no doubt another busy year as the club continues to grow and look to take the club communications forward with a bigger team to support all the activity across the club. A key project for 2025 will be to upgrade the update the club website.


A word from our Players Representative 

Ballinteer St. John's provides a service across the board for many people, but central to the club are the players. 
It is important our voice is heard on the executive.
As Players Representative I tried to ensure that playing facilities were up to a standard that gives us the best opportunity to perform on the pitch. From training facilities and pitch maintenance, to schedule restructures, there is a constant need for improvement and the players voice is vital to this.
This year we have also decided to have the 
Player's Awards Night on January 25th 2025. With December being a busy time of year for all, it is my hope that this would gather a larger crowd of players, friends and family to celebrate the year gone by. I hope teams would also use it a social 
outing for the new season to come. I would like to thank Colm Fitzpatrick and Belen Swords for helping in the organisation of the night in my absence.
Culture and Irish Language 

An Ghaeilge i gCumann Naomh Eoin Baile an tSaoir, 2024
Bhí bliain gnóthach ag an gCoiste Gaeilge sa chlub! Bhíomar ag glacadh páirte i bhFondúireacht Sheosamh Mhic Dhonncha. Is scéim tacaíochta é de chuid Glór na nGael agus an Chumann Lúthchleas Gael do chumainn ar mahith leo an Ghaeilge a chur chun cinn. Dar ndóigh, is club agus ceantar Gaelach atá againn i mBaile an tSaoir cheana féin, agus an bonn cré-umha bainte amach ag an gclub i 2022. Mar sin, bhíomar ag iarraidh é sin a fhorbairt agus muid ag tógáil ar an dea-obair a bhí déanta cheana. 
I measc imeachtaí agus tionscnaimh eile, bhí baill an choiste agus an chlub gnóthach ag tacú le himeachtaí Glór Cheantar 
Naithí agus na scoileanna, blitzchomórtas Scott Scinéir agus Pop Up Gaeltacht ina measc. Cheapamar Oifigeach Óige Gaeilge, Aisling Mac Donncha. Tá síníocht buan Gaeilge crochta sa Chlubtheach inár ndathanna cáiliúla.  Buacphointe na bliana 
dúinn ná Oíche Chultúir, nuair a sheinn an bhanna ceoil iontach Na Tonnta do slua ollmhór baill idir aosta agus óige sa chlubtheach! 
Cé nár bhaineamr amach an bonn airgid ón bhFondúireacht i mbliana, beidhmid ag cur leis an dea-obair atá déanta i mbliana leis an Ghaeilge a chur chun cinn i measc na mbaill amach anseo.
The Irish Committee had a busy year in the club! We were taking part in Fondúireacht Sheosamh Mhic Dhonncha. 
This is a support scheme by Glór na nGael and the Gaelic Athletic Association for clubs that want to promote the Irish 
language. Of course, we already have lots of Gaeilge in the club and Ballinteer area, with the club achieving a bronze 
medal in 2022. We wanted to develop that while building on the good work which had already been done.
Amongst other events and initiatives, members of the committee and the club were busy supporting Glór Cheantar Naithí 
and schools events, including the Scott Scinéir blitz and Pop Up Gaeltacht. We appointed an Irish Youth Officer, 
Aisling Mac Donncha. There is Irish language signage hung in the Clubhouse in our famous black and tangerine. 
The highlight of the year for us was Culture Night, when the great young band Na Tonnta played as Gaeilge to a huge crowd of members, young and old alike, in the clubhouse!
Although we did not achieve the silver medal from the Foundation this year, we will be adding to the good work that has been done this year to promote the Irish language among our members in the future.
•       Diversity, Equality & Inclusion Overview

•       Our All Star team continues to grow and develop with over 12 players with special needs participating in the team now.  

We've had a number of Transition Year students volunteer at each of the training sessions throughout the year, which has provided a fantastic opportunity for the All Stars to play with their peers as well as learn new skills from them.  In June of this year, some of our All Stars represented Ballinteer St Johns for the first time at the 'Féile le Chéile' in Raheny GAA club, where they played a number of matches on the day and even got a photo opportunity with Brian Fenton and Brian Howard!

•       Another key milestone in this year's D,E&I calendar was the Training Takeover initiative that took place on International Women's Day.  13 of our adult camogie and ladies football players were guest mentors at  training sessions for some of our underage teams.  They led the training sessions, giving our young players an opportunity to get to know some of our adult players and overall, a great celebration of our female teams. 

•       The focus for 2025, will be setting up a broader DE&I committee to continue to focus our efforts on being an inclusive club 
and reflecting the diverse community we are based in.  
Louise Hayes


A word from our GPRO 
I am delighted to present my report on Coaching & Games Development in Ballinteer St. Johns to the 42nd 
Annual General Meeting of the club. The heartbeat of sustained success lies in the hands of our dedicated volunteer coaches, who commit their time and passion to shaping the skills and character of our underage players. Beyond merely running 
Sessions and imparting skills, our coaches serve as mentors, role models and motivators for our budding talent. Their efforts create positive and welcoming environments, fostering the development, learning, growth, and enjoyment of Gaelic Games.

Coach Development, Player Development, and Camps/Games Development Events.

1. Coach Development

Coaches learn through a mixture of Formal Coach Education, Informal opportunities
(workshops/seminars/conferences/guest coaches/books/articles), Mentoring, Experiential
learning (Reflection) and Communities of Practice.

Formal Courses

Foundation/ICGG courses x 3—approximately 50 coaches have completed the
courses, and another 10-15 have 1-2 modules to complete (76 coaches completed the courses in 2023).
·       Award 1 Child course (Oct/Nov) – 25 coaches attending.

·       Transition Year Coaching Course – TY students complete a Theory session on

coaching and gain valuable experience in coaching and working with children by

assisting with the Sat am Nursery, the BSJ All Stars and the Camps programme.

September 24 group – 26 Coaches, January 25 group – 27 coaches



Dublin County Board programme includes various themed workshops, Award 2
courses, and the DCB Coaching conference. The GAA National Coaching conference also takes place this November in Croke Park. BSJ Coach Development Resources—This year, I launched the BSJ Coaching “Padlet” an online noticeboard to
 collate and share all matters of coaching. In time, I hope to build up a rich and varied reservoir of Coaching material both
 from inside the club and outside. In tandem with the Padlet, I set up a BSJ Coaching WhatsApp, with over 220 coaches joining up to date.
Communities of Practice—CoPs refer to coaches passionate about improving their practice and knowledge. These groups engage in collaborative learning by exchanging ideas, discussing experiences, solving problems, and reflecting on practices. 
We have split the underage into five initial groups for these get-togethers: nursery groups, CCC1 Boys, CCC1 Girls, CCC2 Boys, and CCC2 Girls. End-of-year handover meetings and pre-season planning meetings are also included.

2. Player Development

Nursery programme - The Nursery is the first introduction that many of our players and parents get to BSJ and Gaelic Games. 
The aim is to give these children and their parents an enjoyable, fun, and learning-rich environment and a positive introduction
 to Gaelic Games and BSJ. The organisational aim is to set up each year’s group as self-sustaining with a  leadership” team recruited from within. By spreading the workload among a group of parents, we hope to encourage more people to help and guard against burnout by taking  too much on at the start. New parent coaches are provided with all the support they might
need, including planning meetings, sharing resources and templates, and giving coach development opportunities, including workshops and formal offerings. Transition Year students provide weekly coaching assistance; on average, 10-18 TY coaches attend each week. Recruitment of players for the nursery is strongly linked to the primary school’s coaching programme.

Primary Schools Coaching programme – This year, the club invested significantly in supporting our local primary school by appointing a part-time school coach, Jack Morris. In a short time, Jack has made an impressive impact on the regional promotion of Gaelic Games and BSJ. In total, Jack has 10 Primary Schools included in his timetable, and in the main, he 

concentrates on coaching the junior classes up to 3rd class by introducing FMS (Fundamental Movement Skills) and the skills 

of Gaelic Games. On a typical week, Jack engages with nearly 700 children (350 boys/350 girls) and approximately 25 teachers. We successfully launched the programme in the club last February, and all the school principals and GAA-involved teachers 
were invited. I want to acknowledge the support from the Principals and Teachers in all our schools for Jack and the 
programme. I want to congratulate Eimear Ní Neachtain and Eimear Máirtín for running the very successful Comórtas Scott Scinéir last June.

Club S&C lead Eoin Moran – Another significant appointment was Eoin Moran as the BSJ part-time S& C lead. At the start of Eoin’s appointment, it was decided to concentrate on the 4 Senior Teams. Eoin designed and ran 2 x weekly Gym sessions for each Senior team and designed periodised pitch conditioning programmes. Teambuilder software was utilised to monitor and help with the programming. Individual programmes were also given to injured and selected development players. 

Towards the 2nd half of the year, Eoin also tried to get to some underage teams, including the Minors and ran an Athletic Development camp for U13-U15 players. With better buy-in, this initiative can only help our teams and players compete consistently at the highest level.


3. Camps & Events

Mini All Irelands 2024 – With a new sponsor on board (Sherry Fitzgerald, thanks to Darren Chambers), the MAI were 
held again on either side of the June Bank Holiday weekend.
Thanks to the wider MAI organising group, which comprised coaches and mentors from the U6 to U14 groups, for all the work and effort over the weeks leading into the event. Overall,we played the following numbers in each code (U6-U12): 

Hurling – 326, Camogie – 293,Boys Football – 395, Girls LF – 321. We had 1,335 entries (+76 from 2023, +6%).

These teams were managed/coached by players from our U12/U13/U14 teams and refereed by a mixture of mentors,

 Summer Camp coaches and TY students. All players who entered received a t-shirt in their county colours, a Sliothar on the Hurling/Camogie week, and a Football on the Football/Ladies Football week. The Piper led the players out for their last

matches last evening, and we had guest appearances by some of our senior players who helped give out the prizes in the previous few days.


Camps Programme—The Camp programme is an essential part of any underage development programme. It is a great way to introduce new players to the club, keep our young players active during their school holidays, and give our 16-20-year-old players opportunities to earn some money and develop their coaching skills.

·       Easter Camp – 210 attendees, 34 coaches

·       Cúl Camp - 205 attended, 33 coaches

·       2 x BSJ Club Camps – July Camp 189 attended, 30 coaches; August Camp 185 attended, 29 coaches.


I would like to thank Conor Dolan (Cathaoirleach), Enda Nolan (Secretary), and the club’s  officers, members, coaches, players, and clubhouse staff for all their help and support during the year. I look forward to working with the incoming committee and developing our coaching aims and objectives in the coming year.


Paraic McDonald 

Head of Coach & Player Development

Ballinteer St. Johns GAA Club


CCC1 Performance

How did Ballinteer St Johns GAA Perform on the pitch.
I’ll start with girls CCC1: 
NURSERY : running well with lead mentors Declan Groake & Niamh McCourt, they receive huge support from Paraic McDonald & TY coaches every Saturday 
2019/2020 - 41 players 5 mentors on average 
2018 - 48 players 11 mentors on average 
U7 2017 group, lead mentor Ciarán Lee 
They average 45-50 on a weekly basis and have had 2 blitz with St Olafs & Crokes so far. They hope to have 7 teams when they enter Go Games next season. 
The DCB weren’t able to run an u7 blitz this season but will get one up and running early next season to prepare the groups for the use of teamsheets in Camogie. The girls are progressing well in both Camogie & Football. 
U8 2016 group lead mentor David O‘ Donoghue, 68 registered players (65 active, 3 stepped away)
- Net Growth of 15 players in 2024 of which 10 new registrations in the Autumn following a heavily publicised 
“Open Training Session” in early Sept….supported by Reg team who offered discounted “Autumn membership”
- 5 girls attended Open Training Session but have not yet registered occasional attendees at training I expect 2-3 to 
register in January
- Of the 10 who signed up in the Autumn….3 were players who left in 2023 and returned. Every parent of a child who leaves is followed up on by Niamh. Inactive girls strongly encouraged to attend social events too.
- Without the growth above, we would have really struggled this Autumn to manage 6 teams with communion masses etc. 
We are comfortably able to manage 6 teams now. 
- 23 active mentors (6 recruited in 2024)
- Core group of 8-10 that are consistently attending and happy to do extra tasks
- On field skills are v comparable to stronger clubs….I’d say we are a little better on Camogie than Football relative to strong 
 Huge improvement in skills but gaps emerging….core group of 25-30 attend all sessions and are separating themselves skills 
U9 2015 group, lead mentor is Michelle Tritschler. 
Attendance numbers. (averages0
• 69 Girls on ClubZapp – (inc 4 who aretaking a break)
• 4 new girls joined over the summer. 
• High 40’s train on a Tuesday
• Low 30s train on a Friday
• Average high 40s on Sunday for matches
• If there is a sense of party or activity, we will have high 50s turn out. 
During the Spring Go Games this year, we had 5 teams, a three team group and a two team group. 
In the two team group we were usually much stronger than the opposition, (these tended to be smaller clubs and maybe more football focused) as while we were stronger in Football, it was more evident in camogie and we were much stronger in that. 
The three team group played bigger clubs, and these games were more competitive and evenly matched across both codes. 
 Since the return in August, we’ve 2 X three team groups and all girls are getting more competitive matches and games are more evenly balanced. 
Like any games, there is a range of ability within our group and opposition, but I’m yet to see a team that is miles ahead as a group. Some have several excellent individuals, but as a group of 20-25 girls they have the same range in ability as ourselves. 
U10 2014 group, lead mentor is Eoin Walsh. They average 58 girls and a good group of mentors. They have 5 Football teams and 4 Camogie teams. Progression is good and they are very competitive. 
U11 2013 group, lead mentor Mary Burke. 
 They currently have 77 registered. 55 on average at training. 6 new girls in last few weeks. Steady pool of mentors. 
Football 4 teams but should really have entered 5. Will stay at 4 teams for U12. Camogie also 4 teams. 
Stronger at camogie to be honest. Doing well against most clubs
Football needs work. We lack some of the Jan- March girls, there are a good number playing with 2012  noticeable though as 
FB gets more physical. ( This issue was raised and the age groups coming out of Nursery must now compile with the club policy so this should not be an issue for the years coming after this group). 
U12 2012 group, lead mentor Sarah O’Connell 
81 girls, 8 new since June
Mostly came from playing Cumann na mBunscoil. 
18 mentors involved. 
FB 4 teams
Camogie 3 teams
Number playing matches in each code has increased on average by 6-8 over the 2nd part of the year. 
Lgfa move to self graded divisions was a positive move.
Once they reset after the summer all teams D1,6,8,13 had good performances and were challenged. Probably with 
exception of B who could have played D5. 
Camogie - hard to gauge when still in team leagues. We have been competitive in all games coming out the positive side in most. Sometimes fielding more teams and consistently looking for challenge matches to enable all girls to play as our numbers increase. 
There has been evident skills progression in both codes due to the training plans implemented by the lead mentor in each code. 
I hope this is adequate for my group. Just to note a thread coming through on the Nursery side was a lack of equipment. 
A lot of mentors felt this was affecting progression here. 

Minor A Ladies

The 2024 season for Minor ladies started in November 2023, with an internal game in Marley with 80+ ladies in attendance…. That set the scene for the season with BSJ entering 4 teams in the league at Minor level for the 1st time!!

The Minor A team competed in a very competitive league Division 2 with the 2006 ladies in particular determined to go one step better than the previous year when a narrow 1 point defeat in the championship semi final brought an end to their season. The league campaign as expected was hard fought but the team rolled up their sleeves and played some wonderful football to finish 3rd and really boost their confidence for the championship.

Come Autumn, there was no stopping them. A memorable narrow win in Clontarf on a wet and windy night with Coldplay in Croke park as the backdrop was the catalyst and with the round robin complete it was on to a semi final v TSS. The AWP was packed, the large crowd were treated to a fantastic display from both teams and delighted to see BSJ come out 3-11 to 2-7 winners. 

The final was played in Marley with a large crowd in attendance against Lucan who we had already played twice with a 1 point win for either side. 


The momentum and confidence built up was the driving force behind a whirlwind and dominant display by the ladies on the

day, holding Lucan to 1-1 only and playing some wonderful football at the other end to run out 2-13 to 1-1 winners. The “Great Entertainers” as someone had tagged them during the year certainly lived up to their reputation in winning the Div2 Championship which was hugely deserved. A 1st  Minor title for the club since 2012 and only the 2nd time in our history… Roll on senior football!!

Liam O’Baoighill

Minor B Ladies Football

As always, the Minor B team was a mix of exiting minors, 2006’s and new additions, 2007’s. The team integrated really well. 

Attendance at training and at games was high. There was high level of intensity at training and maximum effort at games. 

This was definitely not a social team. 

We started off well in the league, beating Bray Emmets and St. Peregrines but were beaten in the remainder of our games. 

A one-team club, St. Margeret’s won all their games by a significant margin, and took the league title as a result. 

We also had a tough championship. We lost one of our strongest players, 5 minutes into the first game, to injury, which 

impacted our team for the campaign. We were beaten by Kilmacud Crokes by 2 points in the “fairest” of the games, 

5-9 to 4-10, that could have gone either way. The other two teams were one-team clubs Naomh Mearnog and 

 Mary’s Saggart and they were too strong for us. 

The team was strong going forward and managed to record some strong scores, but found it difficult to cope with the 

quality of the opponents. Interestingly, we were challenged to a friendly fixture by Cuala B during this time. Cuala B came 

second in the division below us and wanted to test themselves at the higher level. We beat them comprehensively, which 

showed we had a strong team, too strong for the division below, yet not strong enough for the division we were in.

 Richard Mc Grath


We are very pleased again this year to see the large numbers coming through our Juvenile section and, also with the retention 

of these players feeding into the Minor and Adult section. The retention of our Juvenile players is especially encouraging in 

the current climate of emigration that exists for our young adult players, coupled also with the sizeable numbers studying 

away and BSJ is now one of the largest camogie clubs in the County with a membership of 838 in the section. The usual issues 

arose from the congested fixtures schedule issued by the Camogie Board and Ladies Football Boards and while we welcome 

introduction of alternate weeks at Juvenile level, an onerous workload continues to be placed on our dual Minor and Adult

 ladies players.

The feedback from our Juvenile coaches and players to week on/week off has been overwhelmingly positive and we hope to

 see this implemented by both minor and adult ladies’ codes soon.

Many thanks to our County Board Delegates, John Mercer who represented our Juvenile section, and to our Adult and 

Minor Mentors also who represented our Adult teams at County Board meetings. Huge thanks also to our Camogie 

Co-Ordinator, Sighle O’Bric for her fantastic work in 2024.

Thanks also to our camogie section pitch representatives Eoin Walsh (CCC1), John Mercer (CCC2) and Kathy Cullen 

Adult/Minor) for the continued work they do to keep our camogie teams on pitches throughout the year despite the many 

challenges they face.

Finally, thanks also to our Camogie Committee members, Niamh Minogue Jones (CCC1 Chair and Co-ordinator), 

Trish McGrath (CCC2 Chair) and John Mercer (CCC2 Co-ordinator), Kathy Cullen (Adult and Minor Co-ordinator) and 

Lorna Doran (Camogie Secretary) for the huge work they do keeping the Camogie section operating, the section couldn’t 

function without all the work that goes on in the background.

        Lorna Doran – Camogie Secretary


Adult Camogie had some challenging times in 2024 and struggled greatly with player numbers and, also with the 

considerable number of injuries accumulated by our players. Our 2024 Senior squad, who despite losing up to 10 of the starting 

15 players from the previous year, greatly impressed with their determination and resilience considering the challenges they 

faced with numbers. We welcomed some wonderful young players to the team and look forward to following their playing

 careers next year and in the years that follow. Special thanks to our Captain, Amy Burke and the leadership team within our 

Senior squad for the tremendous work ethic, tenacity and ambition they showed both on and off the pitch and as a result of 

this, we will retain Division 1 status in the League in 2025. 
•       We will play Division 2 in the Championship.
•       We'd also like to congratulate our Senior player, Grace O'Shea, on her success with the Dublin Senior team this year. 
continues to shine brightly at both club and county level and is an inspiration to all young players in our club.
•       Huge thanks also to our outgoing Senior Camogie Management team of Ashling Kennedy, Colm O’Callaghan, Peter O’Shea, Shane Adderley, Kathy Cullen and Lorna Doran for their hard work and commitment in 2024.

Lorna Doran.

•       Ballinteer St John's Intermediate camogie team competed in the Inter 2 league and Junior 1 championship in 2024.
•       The club's second adult camogie team was made up of a panel of emerging young players and minors alongside some more 
experienced players.
•       The team competed well through a tough league campaign, fulfilling all fixtures and securing its place in the grade for 2025.
•       John's made it to the semi-final of the Junior 1 championship and in an epic struggle with Thomas Davis A team lost out in
 extra time by a single score.
•       The intermediate panel also effectively continued it's role as a testing ground and funnel to prepare players for the senior camogie team, with up to 10 members of this year's seniors having graduated through the intermediate ranks in the past couple of seasons.

Neil Leslie.

•       The Junior Camogie team as BSJs third camogie team competed bravely in league and championship often facing first/second teams from other clubs. The team never give up and have a good social ethos also demonstrated by often organising their 
own training sessions ably managed by player Cora McCarthy who was brilliant) and some nights out together. The team was supported by the minor panel when required for numbers. We were disappointed to lose the shield final having beaten Clann na Gael earlier in the championship. We expect to compete in the same divisions next year.

Jim Hynan.


U21’s - Lorna Doran

Our U21s Championship is currently in progress. The squad is made up of our younger Senior, Intermediate players and also 

some of our Minor players. A win in our third group stage game puts us in the Shield final against Cuala. We wish the team the very best of luck in the final stages of the competition!

Special thanks to our Senior and Intermediate players Jenny Andrews, Rachel Dolan, Fiona Hayes and Derbhla Nolan who make up the U21 Management team and also to the ever-present Colm O’Callaghan and Neil Leslie for the continued support they 

provide to the team. 

A Year of Growth, Friendship, and Camogie: BSJ Minor A’s Camogie 2024 Season Recap - Pat Kennedy 

The 2024 Minor Camogie campaign was a season of new beginnings and exciting challenges for the BSJ Minor A team. For many of the girls, it marked their first step into the Minor grade—a significant milestone as they transitioned from the juvenile section into the adult ranks. The 2024 panel brought together players from the 2006 and 2007 age groups, creating an exciting mix of talent and personalities. This blending of two years introduced many new friendships that helped build a strong team spirit throughout the season. Watching the camaraderie grow was as rewarding as any result, proving that Camogie is about more 

than just the result. In the league, we experienced mixed fortunes, including some narrow one-point losses against Ballyboden and Lucan. However, a good result against St. Jude’s helped us secure crucial league points and maintain our Division 1 status. These league games also had the benefit of introducing the girls to each other and preparing us for the championship campaign ahead. We competed in the Division 2 Camogie Championship with high expectations. A hard-fought draw against Fingallians on a wet night after a long trek up the M50 in rush hour traffic showed the girls’ never-say-die attitude. Meanwhile, a thrilling one-point victory over Faughs demonstrated our composure in tight moments, and a convincing win over St. Brigid’s was a season highlight, showcasing the team’s hard work and ability to shine when everything clicked. These results secured us a place in the semi-final, where we faced a strong Naomh Barrog side. Despite our best efforts, they proved too powerful on the day and went on to claim the Division 2 Championship title. While the loss was disappointing, reaching the semi-finals in such a competitive division was a fantastic achievement and something to be proud of. This season wouldn’t have been possible without the dedication and effort of our management teams and FLOs, who supported the girls every step of the way. Their commitment ensured the smooth running of the campaign and helped foster a positive and supportive environment for the players to thrive in. A heartfelt thank you goes out to each and every one of them for their invaluable contributions. We also wish the 2006 girls the best of luck next year as they move up to join the adult Camogie teams. 

We look forward to seeing all they achieve in the future!


CCC2 Ladies Football

U13 - U16 Girls - Summary 2025

u13 - 2011 Girls - Football & Camogie 51 girls registered for Camogie. 3 teams, however, we regularly borrowed 3-6 girls from younger age groups to get 3 teams out.


A team 4th in Div 1

B team 1st Div 7

C team 4th Div 11


A team topped group and lost cup semi-final in Div 1m B team topped group and won cup semi-final in Div 6; playing the final 

on Sunday 10th Nov, C team topped group and lost cup semi-final in Div 11. The Girls had a trip to Wexford in June to play Shelmaliers and Oilgate.

U13 2024 season Football:
We have 60 girls registered for football

A team - 6th in Div 1 league; Div 2 Cup winners, B team - 3rd in Div 7 league; Div 7 Cup runners up C Team - 3rd in Div 13 league; Div 12 Cup runners up 

u14 - 2010 girls – Camogie 50 girls playing camogie. 3 teams.

League achievements

All 3 teams competed well in League with our B (Division 6) and C teams (Division 9) winning their leagues. Our A team (Division 1) finished second in the league.

Cup achievements

We reached Cup Finals in all 3 Divisions. A team lost by 1 point to St Judes (Div 1), C team (Div 8) lost by 4 points to 

Na Dubh Ghall and B team (Div 6) play Raheny in their Cup final next Sunday.


Key Highlights

2010 girls completed Strength and Conditioning sessions in the club gym. Also did out Athletic Sessions.

We have 6 girls who completed U14 Dublin Development and now move forward to U15 Dublin

U13/2011 girls:

51 girls registered for Camogie. 3 teams however we regularly borrowed 3-6 girls from younger age groups to get 3 teams out.


The A team lost their division 2 semi-final after extra time to Naomh Olaf The B team won a relegation final to stay up in a

 strong division 5 full of one team clubs.

Highlights of the year

Féile fundraising and team bonding with hikes, table quiz Strong performance of 3 teams in feile Strength and conditioning 

program Team trip to Laois 6 girls completing u15 Dublin development and 3 selected for Dublin u16 panel.

u15 - 2009 Ladies Football

We won Division 11 in football and runners up in Division 6 in camogie

2008 - u16 girls

In camogie our A team survived division 1 relegation in league and championship while b team exited at shield semi-final.

We had 6 players representing Dublin Iona Wu and Emma Reddan were runners up in Leinster D1,

Katie mai Leonard runner up with dublin for D2 and Isabel Keddy, Roisin Wall and sine Farrelly

Leinster champions with Dublin D3 Iona Wu and Emma Reddan went on to represent Dublin in u16 all Ireland

A team 4th in Div 1

B team 1st Div 7

C team 4th Div 11


A team topped group and lost cup semi final in Div 1 B team topped group and won cup semi final in Div 6; playing the final on Sunday 10th Nov C team topped group and lost cup semi final in Div 11 Girls had a trip to Wexford in June to play Shelmaliers 
and Oilgate.
Under 14 2010 Ladies 2024 Football Season 61 Girls Registered for Football across 3 teams

A Team - 3rd in Division 1 League / Runners up in Division 1 Shield

B team - 1st in Division 7 League / Won Division 6 Shield

C Team - 7th in Division 11 league / Runners up in Division 12 Cup

Other notable achievements for U14 2010 Ladies:

Participation in U14 and U16 Dublin Development football squads

A,B,C Ladies participated in Feile 2024 with U15s winning DLGFA Division 11 in April

U14 ladies represented Marlay Grange in Leinster Community Games winning Dublin titles in both Football and Camogie 
runners up in both codes in Leinster Finals in July.
Standout achievement in beating Malahide Footballers on a sunny May evening on a packed Broadford; winning by a single 
point. Level after extra time, nailing it with a penalty with one minute to play in extra extra time.
U14s also participated in a very competitive Tinryland South East Sevens Tournament, displaying excellent skills on tough conditions.

Roll on Féile
•       u15 - 2009 Girls - Camogie
•       C.50 girls playing camogie this year with three teams competing in the league and féile and 2 in championship.

•       A team competed well on return to division 1 staying up.
•       Bs finished 4th in division 6
•       Cs finished 5th in division 6

•       A big year for the girls and first time I think any group had 3 teams competing in a camogie féile A team were very competitive 
•       in division 1 narrowly losing their first two matches before narrowly losing to eventual winners Faughs
•       The B team had a great feile winning all their group games in division 6 beating Naomh Mearnóg in the semi-final before losing 
•       to a very strong Clontarf team in the final.
•       The C team also qualified from their division 8 group but lost narrowly to Clontarf.

•       The A team lost their division 2 semi-final after extra time to Naomh Olaf
•       The B team won a relegation final to stay up in a strong division 5 full of one team clubs 

Highlights of the year
•       Féile fundraising and team bonding with hikes, table quiz Strong performance of 3 teams in feile Strength and conditioning program Team trip to Laois
6 girls completing u15 Dublin development and 3 selected for Dublin u16 panel.

u15 - 2009 Ladies Football
•       We won Division 11 in football and runners up in Division 6 in camogie
•       Emma Reddan represented us in Dublin u16 football and got a Leinster medal losing out at All Ireland semi-final stage.

Trish Mc Grath

Senior Ladies Football
•       This season we entered three teams at adult level in ladies football. The senior adult team, with the addition of a number of new players graduating from minor level, came joint third in the league (Div 2) and after a slow start in the championship due 
to disrupted preparations were unlucky to be beaten by a single point by O’Dwyers, the eventual winners, in the round robin games. They were again very unlucky to be beaten by a point in the shield semi-final. The Junior A team were hit by a number 
of injuries early in the season and finished ninth in the league (Div 6) but were unlucky to be beaten by one point in the 
championship semi-final. 
•       The junior B team with the support of minor players came sixth in the league (Div10) and were beaten in the in the semi-final 
of the shield. 

•       Overall, it was a satisfactory season at adult level as we managed to field three teams and introduce a large number of players to adult football. In the coming season we home to consolidate the progress made and, hopefully, compete for trophies at all levels.
•       Finally, Ciarán Fitzpatrick and Eoin Tuomey are stepping down after coaching the Junior B team for a number of years. We would like to thank them for their commitment, hard work and cooperation. Gavan Ryle is also stepping down from managing the junior B team and we would, also, like to thank him for his contribution to ladies football in BSJ.

Paul Leahy

CCC1 & CCC2 Results

Juvenile Boys Football and Hurling U8-U16 Review 2024 Mick Wren Juvenile Boys Chair BSJ2024 has been another busy year
 on the pitches around Ballinteer for our thriving Juvenile section with well over 800 boys partaking in Gaelic games each weekend.
Our nursery continues to thrive with over 250 boys and girls down in Broadford(2017) and the AWP (2018,2019,2020) each Saturday morning. This year we once again marked the start of the year with the planting of a commemoration tree in
Marlay Park, this year was the turn of our 2018 groups. The 2017 group graduatedfrom our nursery with a special graduation event to mark the occasion in theclubhouse on 24 th November.
A major effort has taken place this year in the nursery to help improve theorganisational structures within each group and to recruit and train more parents andcoaches to help with the smooth running of things each weekend. We are alsograteful to 
the continued support of many of our transition year players who givemuch needed coaching help each weekend.
The Nursery and our juvenile sections are an essential part of our club, and it is vitalthat they are continued to be supported 
by all sections of our club. They are the entry point for new members of our club and the special place where we can help nurture,develop and support each child’s love and interest in Gaelic games. It is also the
first place and interaction a lot of new parents have with BSJ and indeed the GAA – many of which will become vital club supporters, volunteers, coaches and sponsors in the future.This year we fielded 34 football and 30 hurling Go Games teams
 (U8-U12) with over 380 boys taking part each week. We have made a big drive this year, working with our Director of Coaching and Player Development, Paraic McDonald to upskill ourbroader mentor group and have had multiple coaches through our Award 1 child and Youth coaching program. We have also introduced a Coaching Community of Practice for all our Child and Youth coaches – a place to share experiences and learnings and ultimately help build a shared BSJ coaching and player experience.
Apart from the regular weekly games and twice weekly training sessions where our players have continued to excel and are continually developing their skills and learning to work and play to play together as a team, the juvenile section encourages
each team to host and also attend multi-team blitzes with teams from around the country. These are fantastic learning opportunities and experiences for the kids. This year alone we have had teams visit the GAA dome in Mayo, Wexford, Limerick,Carlow, Kilkenny, Galway, Meath, Wicklow amongst others.
WE once again hosted the now annual U11 Aindriu O hEithir Hurling Blitz in Marlay Park back in May, with visiting teams 
from Ballygarvan Cork, Cuala, Clonmel,Moycarkey-Borris (Tipperary) and Commercials. It was a fantastic occasion and one that gets bigger and better every year with feedback from our over 250 visitors overwhelmingly positive. A special thanks to all the 2013 boys and parents who helped pull off a memorable day (and night )We had reason to celebrate in early summer when our U11 boys Hurlers were crowned the Dublin county Champions when representing Marlay Grange in the Community Games. 
They went on to be very narrowly beaten in the Leinster Final in July.
This year saw Christy Merriman step down from the role of our Juvenile BoysReferee Coordinator after 8 long years of service. Diarmaid Murray has taken over inthis role.For our CCC2 youth players playing league hurling and football, we continued to
have success on the field. Our U16s have reached the U16B championship final inboth Hurling and Football with our B and C teams performing v well also andreaching their respective championship finals.Our U15s have had an excellent year with the 
A Hurlers winning out Division 2 Feile in Dublin before narrowly losing out in the regional finals in Clare. They finished the
year staying in Division 1.Our U15A Footballers won Division 3 and have been promoted to Division 2 for next
year.The U13s have begun life in CCC2 with a good end to season seeing the A teamsstay in Division 1 in both Hurling and Football, while U14s competed well in HurlingDivision 1 and were unlucky to miss out in Football and got relegated down to
Division 2.June bank holiday saw the U13 Boys host the annual Norry Reynolds Hurling cup in Marlay. The competition saw visiting teams from Faughs, Greystones, Ratoath,Ballyboden, Cuala, Bray Emmets, St Cocas, Portlaoise and Na Fianna with
 our A team victorious in the final in front of home support.We have had strong representation on county development panels for both hurling and football which is a great reflection of the work we are doing in the development of our players for the 
future.Our club's growth year after year is truly remarkable, and I'm continually amazed bythe dedication and time 
that so many of you selflessly give to your teams and committees. Without your commitment as volunteers, our club would not 
be able to operate, and I'm in awe of your unwavering dedication.
Thanks to our juvenile coaches, mentors, parents and most especially to our players. Mick Wren


Minor Hurling
•       Playing in Div 1 our first round of the league got off to a great start with a win over Na Fianna. We struggled in our next 
games against Vincents, Crokes, Boden and Lucan primarily due to player unavailability however this gave others an
opportunity to test themselves against top teams which we hoped would stand to them come Championship. 
•       As our panel strengthened, we had very competitive games against Raheny and Judes (Championship Finalists) but just came 
up short on the day. Even though the league was challenging the lads kept their enthusiasm and continued to work on all 
aspects of their game. Preparation for Championship commenced in early August with challenge game wins over Cuala and 
Clontarf (who went on to win the Championship). Our group consisted of Na Fianna, Commercials and last year winners 
Lucan. Our preparation continued to go well however a 2pt defeat to Na Fianna in the 1 st round was very disappointing 
as we were the better team and luck didn’t go our way on the day. However, this is a very resilient group and bounced back 
with a very comprehensive win over Commercials who just came up short against Lucan the first day. Our final game was away
to Lucan who defeated us badly in the league however the players rose to the challenge and put in by far the best 
performance of the year. We got off to a great start and led for most of the game but were dealt a hammer blow midway 
through the 2 nd half by conceding two quick goals to trail by 4pts however the heads didn’t drop and the lads raised their 
game to another level to win by 2pts in a highly entertaining, skilful and physical match. The result meant that Na Fianna,
 Lucan and BSJ all finished with 4pts each. As only 2 teams from the group qualified for the quarter finals the scoring 
difference between the 3 teams came into play and as each team lost/beat each other by 2pts they still couldn’t be separated. 
total points scored in each of the games between the 3 then came into play with the result being Lucan – 33pts, 
Na Fianna – 32pts and BSJ – 31pts. To say the players, mentors, coaches, parents were devasted is an understatement 
however that’s sport. As many of team that played against Lucan are available next year and on the back of the U16’s 
the B Championship we are looking forward seeing what the group can achieve in 2025.
•       A special congratulations to Ben O’Mahony, Conor Quinn and Tommy Cullen who were part of the Dublin Minor panel this 
year and made significant contributions for the Dubs in many of the Championship games. There were many moments for the 
lads but ones that standout are Ben’s monster point against Kilkenny in Nolan Park to seal the win similarly Tommy’s 
outrages point when the team badly needed it against Wexford in Parnell Park and Conor the ever-consistent reliable
 competitive warrior that played all games and never game his opponent an inch.
•       Finally, a big thank you to everyone who helped out with the group during the year it is much appreciated and a special thanks
 to senior players Iain O’Heithir and Tom Ahearn who came on board as coaches and contributed enormously.

The Minor B hurling team had a really difficult league campaign. The team were entered in Div 6, winning only 1of 8 games in the league. The B minor league team was made up of some 07’s and mainly 08’s so good practice for the coming year in minor.  In Championship, the team were drawn in a strong group with 6 teams in it, which is very unusual. The team won 2, drew 1 and lost 2. There were some strong performances especially against Ranelagh Gaels who beat us by 4 points and who were beaten finalists. The team had 2 great wins against Castleknock and Lucan and a draw against Fingallians that they should have won. Unfortunately, the team didn’t make it out of the group but a strong bond between the 07’s and 08’s was developed with the team made up of mainly 08’s which bodes well for the coming minor hurling year.


Best of luck to the 06’s in adult hurling and to the 07’s/08’s who go at minor again in 2025.


Senior Hurling

 After a long season which started with a challenge match on February 3rd at home to Ballyboden St Endas, the curtain came down out in Pairc Mearnog on September 28th with a 2-point loss against Naomh Mearnog in the relegation playoff in the Senior 2 Hurling championship. Although it was a disappointing result, the lads put in a huge effort and we had terrific support.

We had a good start in the AHL2 league with 2 wins and 2 draws which left us in a comfortable position to maintain our AHL2 status for next year. The championship proved to be very competitive and we won 1 match and came out on the wrong side in 3 tight matches with an overall -3 points difference.

In a year of development, we had some former stars back in a squad of predominantly young players and we look forward to the lads bouncing back next year challenging for league and championship honours.

We would like to thank Tom and all the players for their efforts and commitment during the year, our Manager Emmet Carroll, our coaches/selectors John Kelly and Karl O Keefe, our Physio Brian O Rourke, our S&C coach Eoin Moran, our stats team of Ronan Kelly, Jim Lynch & Eric Graham, Paraic Kennedy for the Video Analysis, Enda O Dwyer and the executive for all their support during the year.

We would also like to thank the Minor management team for their support during the year.

After 2 years with the team Emmet Carroll has stepped down as team manager and we would like to thank Emmet for his leadership, commitment and enthusiasm and wish him all the best for the future.

Ken Sheehan on behalf of the Hurling Committee

 Junior A Hurling

The junior A's kicked off their 2024 hurling campaign with cold frosty evenings spent on Broadford's grass pitch in the much dreaded pre-season training, mid-January.
 In the absence of a conventional hurling manager, Briain McGeary, Pádraic Ó hEithir and Rory Merriman took charge of the team this season as player managers leading the side to what turned out to be a successful season under the circumstances.
 With three wins, three draws, and four losses, the Junior A's held their own in the AHL Division 6 league, doing more than 
enough to maintain their spot in next year's competition.
 Having lost their opening four fixtures, the lads pulled their socks up and finished their league crusade on a high with three wins and three draws out of their 7 remaining games.
 In the summer season, the Junior A's salvaged a sturdy victory over St. Judes in Tymon Park in what was the perfect start to their Junior B championship campaign.
 As luck would have it, the lads went on to lose the remainder of their championship games, succumbing to Raheny, Castleknock, Whitehall and Thomas Davis in the process.
 This ultimately earned them a place in a relegation play-off, where they welcomed Cabra's Fionnbarra to Marley Park in a battle to retain their spot in Junior B 1 Championship.
 In commanding fashion, the Junior A's concluded their season with a solid victory over the visitors to secure Junior B 1 for next season, retaining their spots in both their championship and league campaigns.
 Looking back on the year, both players and management can hold their heads up high and reflect on a successful season and a job well done.
 On behalf of the players and managers of the Junior A's, we would like to extend our gratitude to all the helping hands we got throughout the year, namely our captain, Ronan Collins for his leadership on and off the field, Ken Sheehan of the hurling committee, Andrew Williams,Brian Sutton and Seamus Lane of the Junior B management and Enda O'Dwyer for their consistent assistance throughout the season. 


Junior B Hurling

The Junior hurlers had a good year with terrific numbers for training and matches with a number of new players transferring into the club and support from some of our Minor hurlers. We had a good league campaign winning 6 out of 11 matches to finish 5th in Division 8. We were promoted to the Junior D championship for this year where we won 3 of our group games to qualify for the knock-out stages. We were beaten in the quarter final away to the eventual championship winners Castleknock. We would like to thank the players for all their efforts and commitment during the year. A special thanks to Conor Murphy who took most of the training sessions.

Thanks to Ken Sheehan/Seamus Lane/Brian Sutton/Andrew Williams

Minor Football  A

The Minor A team in division 2 had a slow start to their league campaign as the players adjusted to coming together. However, after a few games, the team began to gel and developed a winning mindset. The return of a couple of players from county duties provided a significant boost, increasing competition for places and driving performance. The team finished the league in 5th place, which is a fair reflection of the season.

In the A Championship group stage, the campaign began with an impressive comeback to secure a draw in the opening game. Unfortunately, the following two matches saw the team miss out on progression, with the top two teams in the group ultimately reaching the final.

Best of luck to all the 2006 players as they move on to their adult football careers!

Minor Football B

The Minor B football team had a really successful league campaign. The team were entered in Div 5 south and finished 3rd 
overall winning 5 of 7 games in the league. There was some strong performances and great teamwork between the 2006’s and 2007’s. 
The team came up against an extremely strong Boden team and fought right to the end with Boden winning the game and the league overall. In Championship, the team were drawn in a strong group and unfortunately losing to O’Dwyers by 2 points in 
their first game who eventually lost in the Championship final to a div 4 team. Very small margins in all 3 games meant the team didn’t progress past the group stage but with both group qualifying teams losing to the overall Championship group winner.
It was great to see the bond created at minor level between the two years and best of luck to the 06’s in adult football and to 
the 07’s who go at minor again in 2025.
Paul Carty/ Paul Mc Donnell / Brendan Donlon

U21 Football 

The A football team made it to the Dublin Div 1A semi Final losing out to Na Fianna in a tight math, congratulations to all 
involved there a strong team coming through.
U21 Hurlers

Made it to the semi final of Divion 2 losing out to a strong Commercials team

Senior Football

As a management team we have taken time to reflect and it goes without saying that we are taking effective action - it won’t change the fact that we are just so proud of our lads efforts and results in 2024 albeit - it’s bittersweet given what might have
 been this year but that doesn’t change the reality of what we achieved and only encourages us to go harder.
A 2nd place finish in Division 1 which otherwise would have been a celebration point in itself was severely tempered by a farcical set of tactical postponements which denied us the opportunity to win the league by beating Na Fianna in our home patch. Given we lost just 1 game in the past 2 seasons in Marlay Park it’s fair to say we would have fancied our chances of lifting the title had 
we gotten the opportunity to  - regardless of such disappointment it was an incredible league season and one which we are incredibly satisfied with and had so many special days for the group. We are devastated we didn’t get the chance to win in a 
league in front of our own supporters but alas it was not to be  - there will be another day I assure you and we will use the hurt to fuel our response and do the club proud.
Championship was a little bit deja vu. After the early win against a tricky Sylvesters side who had beaten us deservedly in the league, it was hard to take not to be able to knock out one of the 2 powerhouses of Ballymun and Ballyboden who now have thwarted us twice on the bounce - we would like to think there won’t be a third time but we aren’t naive enough to forget that 
we are a developing side mixing it with the finest Dublin has to offer.

When you consider Skerries made the drop to Senior B championship and we had a very disjointed prep given the

 unavailability of players for a variety of reasons I think we will consider that while the feeling is somewhere closer to regret than relief. Truthfully though it still fails to change the narrative that we feel we had the tools to do better - that possibly hurts more than not being good enough. Beyond a doubt the biggest challenge we have going into 2025 is whether we can match ambition with that’s steely determination to put all other distractions to the side - if we can there is no genuinely no limit to where we can take this.

Detailed plans are already in train for 2025 - Yes there will be change, progression and plenty of mistakes no doubt but that won’t stop the wave of positivity continuing to force us forward. We will get there I firmly believe - it’s only a case of when.

In the meantime know we will do our very best to do you proud and advance both the club and it’s players of all ages and 
codes wherever we can. Thank you so much for your support, kind words and look forward to seeing you or yours on a 
sideline or around Ballinteer soon.
“The senior management and players would also like to take this opportunity to offer our sincere thanks and appreciation
 to all the volunteers that have helped out behind the scenes over the last number of years but no more so than this year 
when everyone put their shoulder to the wheel to ensure we had mobile flood lights in Loretto for winter training up three times per week until March. The efforts by several club stalwarts including Tom McCabe, Enda Nolan, Kieran Duffy, Gerry O’Donnell, Derek Oman, Dermot Nutty, Darren Hedden and indeed Senior and Intermediate and country players on rotation 
did not go unnoticed and played a significant part in setting us up for a strong start to the league, which stood to us 
throughout the rest of the campaign. We would also thank our logistics team including Phillip Fitzpatrick, Frank Sweeney and Kevin Carey who were always on hand to help us out on match day. And lastly, we would like to thank a number of people including Kevin Clair, Alan Garvin, Conor Dolan for their selfless support in travelling to opposition games on our behalf. 
No senior team can survive without the unwavering support and commitment of many club volunteers behind the scenes”, so thank you.
Junior Football
Ballinteer St. John’s Intermediate Footballers: 2024 Season Review The 2024 season was an excellent one for Ballinteer St. John’s intermediate footballers, who delivered strong performances across both the league and championship campaigns. Competing in the Dublin GAA Division 4 League, the team played consistently well throughout and came agonisingly close to securing promotion in what proved to be an exceptionally competitive division. Their league form provided a solid foundation for a championship journey that will be long remembered. In the Junior A Championship, the team demonstrated their skill, determination, and resilience at every stage. A highlight of the group stages was the dramatic away victory over Kilmacud Crokes, sealed with a last-minute goal, which demonstrated the team’s ability to thrive under pressure. This result proved pivotal in building momentum as the championship progressed. In the final, Ballinteer faced Fingallians and produced a composed and confident performance to claim the Junior A Championship title. The blend of youthful energy and experienced leadership was evident throughout the season, but particularly in the final, where 8 of the starting 15 were under 20 years of age—a testament to the club’s strong pipeline of talent. The team’s success was built on unity, hard work, and a shared commitment to the cause. Their defensive organisation, combined with the work rate and creativity of the midfield and forward lines, were key factors in their success. The experienced players provided steady leadership throughout the campaign, while younger players stepped up to deliver on the biggest stage, highlighting the depth and promise within the squad. Credit must also go to the management team of Colm O’Donnell, Aidan Field, Brian Monaghan, Peter O’Curry, and Darren Chambers, who are stepping away after two years in charge. Their dedication and expertise were instrumental in the team’s development and success. They cultivated a winning mentality while fostering the growth of young players, ensuring the squad is well-positioned to build on this year’s achievements in the seasons ahead.

Junior B Football

Frankie Ward and his team of 40+ won the AFL Div 11 Championship.



The BSJ g4mo team came into existence on the 10th June 2022 and it currently has 70 registered players, one coordinator Niamh Minogue Jones and two coaches, Barry Judge & Justin Brennan.
To date we have played numerous matches with teams like BBSE, Foxrock Cabinteely, Ranelagh Gaels and St Jude’s to name a few. Each one of these games has been an inclusive & successful experience for women staying in sport. It should be noted that we are also one of only a few teams that can field 2 teams at any one time.

This year saw our team involved in two major events at this level. We were invited to take part in the National Blitz in September where we had 20 players play 4 matches against other g4mo teams across Ireland. This was a great opportunity to highlight our team and the club on a national front.

In October of this year we were also invited to play in the New York Festival of Football and took 21 players, 3 supporters and two coaches for this transatlantic experience. Of the 35 Irish teams invited we were the only Dublin team in attendance. We played 5 matches and flew the flag for BSJ abroad. We represented the club well and made connections with both teams here and abroad.
Our next initiative is to establish our own blitz and to make this an annual event to enhance our club community & continue to support women in sport.
Niamh Minogue Jones



BSJ Hurling All-Scars 2024

•       The BSJ Hurling 'All-Scars' group started back in late 2023 with a small group of hurling and camogie mentors who came together on Friday evenings for a casual puck around and a bit of craic. What began as a fun way to blow off steam soon grew into something much bigger.

•       With a successful recruitment drive earlier this year, we now have a WhatsApp group of over 60 members. Our team is made
 up of lads from all over the globe, including Australia, England,Spain, and China, with players who’ve never picked up a hurley before, others who stopped playing at a young age, and those who’ve played the game all their lives. This mix creates a vibrant atmosphere of experience, enthusiasm, and fresh energy.
•       We meet most Friday evenings in Marlay Park or the AWP, continuing to enjoy both the game and the social side of things. 

Over the year, we’ve had the chance to play challenge games against St. Jude’s, St. Olaf’s, and Kilmacud Crokes. One of the year’s highlights was participating in the St. Jude’s Social Hurling Blitz in June, where we proudly represented the parish. 

Though our bodies might be slowing down, and the knees about to give up, the competitive streak in the 'All-Scars' was alive and well in many of those games.

•       Whether it's a laid-back puck around or a spirited challenge, the team thrives on the joy, camaraderie, and competitive spirit of hurling. The team's inclusive atmosphere means new members are always welcome, and whether you're a seasoned player or new to the game, it’s all about enjoying hurling and the connections we make.

•       In the 'All-Scars,' it's not just about the game—it’s about keeping the spirit of hurling alive, no matter our age!


Social Camogie

Social Camogie is an initiative that was started by the Camogie Association which encourages GAA clubs to start up camogie teams aimed at women who wish to participate in sport at a non-competitive level. Similarly to the BSJ Bobcats and the BSJ All Scars, Social Camogie aims to get people exercising, having fun and making friends all while learning a few skills along the way! 

Emma Conlon and Niamh Minogue Jones spearheaded the initiative to start a social camogie team. 

The first members to join the social camogie team were members of G4MO along with some friends who were recruited by 

word of mouth. 

Now, coming up to the 2-month mark, the team has an outstanding 43 wonderful and welcoming ladies involved. Although 43 may seem like a lot of people for 1 team, our Social Camogie group is always looking for new members and are delighted to welcome anyone who wants to have a puc about and a bit of craic! 

Going forward, we hope to continue to grow in numbers and keep learning new skills! We hope to see the Social Camogie initiative take off in more clubs around the country and hopefully, we will be able to organise a few friendly games in the future!

We lost some family members over the last year Seamus Hynan father of Jim Hynan, Seamus Devine a Bingo Club mentor, Jenny Carton Sinead Kennedy’s Mother - Ar Dheis De go raimh a n-anamacha.

Ladies and Gentlemen fellow Ballinteer St Johns club members I would like to thank last year’s executive for working through 

some difficult times,

I would also like to thank members that have served this club with pride and who will stand down this year these include Trish Mc Grath, Sean Lane, Fearghal Duffy, 

Mr Chairman I would like to thank you and the executive members for achieving so much in the short time we have been 

together; the future will present challenges but if this club works as one, we can overcome anything.

Go Raibh Maith Agat.

Enda Nolan

Runai Naomh Eoin Baile an Tsaoir, December 2024

Proposer: Darren Chambers 
Seconder: Elaine Dolan

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